12 Aug Aug 12th: Gina Rivera
When you love what you do, your passion, excitement and enthusiasm will come naturally. These three items can be crucial for expanding your business. They can act to attract clients in a way that will carry you very far in life as well as your profession.
Most people have experienced service from someone that has a dislike or contempt for their job. Don’t kid yourself, clients have the knack of sensing those that are not enjoying their work. No one wants to be around someone that is negative and doesn’t enjoy what they are doing. It’s bad energy and it can be a big turn off.
People, including clients, feed off of good positive energy. When you show heart in what you do people will gravitate towards you. Positive energy along with hard work is the perfect recipe for success.
Trust me, I know first-hand that sometimes early on you are not in the position to do what you are trying to accomplish. I also understand how easy it is to let these challenging times put a damper on your attitude. However, take my advice, be patient and strive to be enthusiastic even when you’re tired or questioning your path. Think about why you selected your career, remember the passion you felt at that moment and get excited again.
You will get there soon enough, even if you’re at a crawl rather than a walk. I recommend, crawl with a great attitude and you will get there before you know it. And, as I always say…Be Open to Change!