23 Dec Dec. 23, 2015: Gina Rivera
The holiday season is upon us and I must tell you how grateful I am. I have been extremely blessed to be in such a wonderful industry with so many amazing people. It’s difficult to put into words the joy that I experience each time I witness a person going after their dreams and aspirations.
I realize daily that I have been truly pri…vileged during the past couple of years to be part of so many wonderful things. This includes growing my company in just six years to over 150 Salons with more growth on the horizon. I am grateful for the support of those who believed in my vision and adopted our culture wholeheartedly. I am equally grateful for the talented Salon Professionals who trusted us enough to operate their own businesses inside of our walls.
I also had a wonderful family and staff that stood beside me as I released and expanded our product line to include many new items like the Tools by Gina with the first infrared technology. I am so appreciative that I have been given the chance to serve the salon community at this level.