28 Oct Oct 28, 2015: Gina Rivera
I have always believed the fastest way to become successful is to be kind to others. I feel that this is one of the most important attributes you can have as a person. This characteristic will help you with growing your business and, in general, in life!
I talk about being kind in my “Colour Your Life” event. In this show there is a segment where I discuss becoming a master of relationships. In my opinion, kindness is one of the key ingredients necessary when refining your relationship skills.
So much of how I run my company is based on relationship that I have built on being kind and showing gratitude. For example, when a client steps foot into my suite or my office, no one else matters from that moment on. I show my kindness by being attentive and truly caring about what they are saying. I let the appointment or meeting be about the client, not about me. Equally important, I let them know that I am thankful for their business.
Being kind is about recognizing how your behavior affects others, and holding yourself accountable for your actions. For example, contrast someone being well mannered and kind, with someone being rude? Have you ever been treated abruptly when you were the client? I know I have and I don’t enjoy it. It leaves you feeling disrespected and less than appreciated. No one wants to experience that.
We have all heard the expression “Pay It Forward”. This means doing something kind for another without the expectation of getting something back. I believe these types of acts are especially win/win for everyone. The person you are being kind feels great and you feel good about treating someone as they should be treated.
So my suggestion this week is pick some random acts of kindness that you can do for others and see what happens. Remain humble and appreciative while doing them. You may be surprised at the reaction not only from others but from yourself.