16 Sep Sept. 16th: Gina Rivera
Listening to your intuition is key when making big decisions, I am the first to say, it can be extremely difficult! Trust me, I know first-hand about having to listen to my gut because there are plenty of times when my intellect and my intuition don’t agree.
However, over time I have disciplined myself to listen to those internal warning signs that make me feel uncomfortable. Now, I stop and listen because nine out of ten times those warning signs are right. I can count numerous times when my instincts have literally saved me from disaster.
More than once in my career I have wanted to immediately pursue a new opportunity. We have all been presented with opportunities that sound like the greatest deal ever. But, I recommend that you stop and listen to what your instincts are telling you before you jump on board with what may seem to be the latest and greatest deal.
Get in the habit when new prospects come your way to step back, evaluate and take time with decisions. Try to think long term and picture what the outcome will be a year down the road. Consider all of the items that the decision will effect; your family, personal life, finances and business. Take time spiritually to reflect on the decision; pray or meditate depending on your beliefs. Once you have taken time to do these things, listen to what you are hearing and feeling internally. Then, most important, follow it.
Some ideas that sound wonderful at the time might not be the best for you in the long run. Please don’t misunderstand me, I certainly don’t advocate missing opportunities but I do support being aware. So just remember, trust what you are feeling, most of the time it won’t steer you wrong.